Monday, December 23, 2013

Regular Expressions

To match a floating point value in a substring I currently use the following regular expression:


This matches:

  • 123
  • 123.4
  • 123.4E3
  • 123.4e-4
  • etc...

Does anyone have a better expression that matches example strings?
Please post in the comments below, thanks.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Installing "Glances" system monitor on ubuntu 12.04

Glances is a curses based tool for monitoring your system - kind of like top on steroids. There is a small issue with using the version in the PPA on Ubuntu 12.04 (specifically the 12.04.2 minimal install); it crashes on startup with the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/glances", line 5, in
    from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
ImportError: No module named pkg_resources
To fix it I manually had to install the package python-pkg-resources.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

AO Item Assistant v1.1.5

A new version of Item Assistant has just been released which should fix the major issues introduced with the "big AO server merge". It also cleans up and removes support for multiple dimensions and the player-shop monitor since these features are obsolete.

For those that play on both "live" and "test live" I recommend having two separate installs of AOIA, one for each dimension. Even with the old multi-dimensional support, it was never meant to support "test live" as one of the dimensions. (Due to, amongst other things, the difference in the AO Item database.)

I also want to give a big "THANK YOU!" to the AO community for all the feedback, testing and suggestions that just keep on coming in.

(For those that have been testing intermittent versions, this is essentially the same as v1.1.4.24.)

AOIA Homepage
v1.1.5 download